Monae’s Wine

Monae’s Wine
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New Order: #24147

You’ve received the following order from Karen Rutledge:

[Order #24147] (March 7, 2025)

Product Quantity Price
Dragon Fruit Raspberry – Scented Candle (#dragon-fruit-raspberry-scented-candle) 1 $20.00
Subtotal: $20.00
Shipping: $8.21 via USPS First Class
Tax: $1.20
Payment method: Credit Card
Total: $29.41

Billing address

Karen Rutledge
9906 Graystone Drive
Upper Marlboro,, MD 20772
[email protected]

Shipping address

Karen Rutledge
9906 Graystone Drive
Upper Marlboro,, MD 20772

Congratulations on the sale.

Manage the order with the app.

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